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Understanding Fungal Nail Infections: Common Causes

Fungal nail infections can be unsightly and uncomfortable. They occur when fungi invade the nails, causing them to become discoloured, thickened, and brittle. While the condition might seem frustrating, understanding the reasons behind its occurrence can help you take preventive measures. In this blog, we'll explore common causes of fungal nail infections.

  1. Warm and Moist Environments: Fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, which is why nail infections are commonly found in places like changing rooms, public swimming pools, and communal showers.

  2. Improper Foot Hygiene: Poor foot hygiene can contribute to the development of fungal nail infections. Failing to keep your feet clean and dry, especially after exposure to water, provides an ideal breeding ground for fungi to multiply.

  3. Wearing Tight or Non-Breathable Footwear: Shoes that don't allow proper ventilation can lead to a build-up of moisture around the nails, creating conditions conducive to fungal growth. Additionally, tight-fitting shoes can cause microtrauma to the nails, creating entry points for fungi.

  4. Nail Trauma: Injuries to the nails, such as repeated impact or getting a manicure or pedicure with contaminated tools, can weaken the nail's protective barrier. This makes it easier for fungi to enter and establish an infection.

  5. Age and Reduced Immunity: As we age, our nails become more brittle and porous, making them more susceptible to fungal invasion. A weakened immune system, often seen in older individuals or those with underlying health conditions, can also increase the risk of fungal nail infections.

  6. Sharing Personal Items: Sharing items like nail clippers, files, and shoes with someone who has a fungal nail infection can lead to the spread of the fungi.

  7. Pre-existing Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or circulatory issues, can reduce blood circulation to the feet and compromise the body's ability to fight off infections. This can make individuals with these conditions more prone to fungal nail infections.

Fungal nail infections can be a frustrating and persistent issue, but understanding the potential causes can help you take steps to prevent their occurrence. Practicing good foot hygiene, wearing breathable footwear, avoiding sharing personal items, and promptly addressing nail trauma are essential preventive measures. If you suspect you have a fungal nail infection, get in contact we can help prevent the infection from spreading and aid in achieving healthier nails.

Here is a before and after of fungal nail treatment with LR Podiatry

If you are struggling with fungal nails, get in contact.

LR Podiatry Team x



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